Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Reflection and Ray Count Explosion

This time around is reflection. Not much to say here. When the ray hits a reflected surface it spawns a new ray in the reflected direction. There's a couple levels of recursion here. That could easily be changed. Obviously we don't want infinite recursion, since that could cause infinite loops.

This image shows a new technique. The blue sphere casts a cone of reflection rays to pick up diffusely reflected light from the scene. There's only 32 samples being used, no anti-aliasing, and the image is 200x200 pixels. That's because the render time is getting a little high.

The problem here is that with raytracing, each time we add an effect (reflection, diffuse reflections, ambient occlusion, etc.) we need to cast more rays. Each time we get closer to realism we need to cast tons of new rays. At this point, all of the light features we are trying to capture is causing us to cast millions of rays into the scene.

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